Direction and Unicode-Bidi
Paragraphs within a <div>
having direction: rtl;
Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.
Fanatics will never learn that, though it be written in letters of gold across the sky.
It is the prohibition that makes anything precious.
– Mark Twain
Text within a <div>
having direction: rtl;
Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.
Fanatics will never learn that, though it be written in letters of gold across the sky.
It is the prohibition that makes anything precious.
– Mark Twain
Text within a <div>
having direction: rtl;
and unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
Your mind is totally controlled.
It has been stuffed into my mold.
And you will do as you are told,
Until the rights to you are sold.
– Frank Zappa